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What a beautiful morning, I wanted to cry
What a beautiful morning, I wanted to cry

What a beautiful morning, I wanted to cry

It was such a beautiful morning this morning when taking Fudge out for an early morning walk.

Stunning blue skies, sunshine and the dew on the grass was glistening in the sunshine. It was so quiet and peaceful, you couldn’t have asked for a better morning. As Fudge’s ball bounced along the ground you could see the spay come off the ball and glisten in the sunshine.

Then of course there was Fudge with those beautiful brown eyes looking up at me in only the way a dog can. Waiting and eager for me to throw his ball.

It was so beautiful I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry because of feeling so lucky to be here to see this. I wanted to cry because of the beauty of the moment. I wanted to cry to get rid of the stress and anguish I have been feeling recently. Being out there in this moment it did reinforce my desire to make changes.

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